
Grammar Worksheets: Adjectives - Adverbs

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Slide Grammar Adjectives and Adverbs Worksheets for Homeschooling Lisa Flowers GRAMMAR WORKSHEETS So often, language impaired students struggle to use specific and descriptive terms. The use of adjectives and adverbs is vital to improving the descriptiveness of their writing. KEEP READING
Grammar:  Adjectives and Adverbs   Lisa Flowers

Grammar: Adjectives - Adverbs Activities

Descriptiveness is essential to good writing. Unfortunately, it’s a skill not readily achieved by many language impaired students. This four-page worksheet begins with a clear discussion of descriptive writing and the use of adjectives, followed by an exercise requiring students to insert adjectives from a given list into various sentences. It goes on to discuss the use of adverbs, followed by examples and various tasks involving the use of different types of adverbs and the flexibility of their placement within sentences. The variety and comprehensiveness of the explanations, examples, and exercises provide students with enough practice to send them on their way toward using adjectives and adverbs to significantly increase the descriptiveness of their writing!

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