
Grammar Worksheets: Subjects, Verbs and Objects - Adverbial Phrases

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Slide Opening Graphic of this Speech Therapy - Social Skills website Lisa Flowers of Communication Acceleration Speech Language Therapy GRAMMAR WORKSHEETS Just as with my product “Prepositional Phrases and Subjects, Verbs, and Objects”, this printable worksheet teaches students how to omit superfluous parts of complex sentences in order to identify the subjects, verbs, and objects contained within the “core” of each sentence. KEEP READING
*Grammar:  Adverbial Phrases and Subjects, Verbs, and Objects Lisa Flower

Grammar: Adverbial Phrases and Subjects, Verbs, and Objects

Just as with my product “Prepositional Phrases and Subjects, Verbs, and Objects”, this printable worksheet teaches students how to omit superfluous parts of complex sentences in order to identify the subjects, verbs, and objects contained within the “core” of each sentence. Students learn how to identify adverbial phrases and break sentences down, thereby allowing them to more easily maintain subject-verb agreement, use the active voice, and ace the grammar sections of the SAT and ACT.

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