Social Skills – Interviewing Others


So many of the characteristics of a good interviewer align with the attributes of a good conversationalist.  Interviewing Others is an extensive resource that gives students practice at interviewing other students, family members, and school staff.  Students who at first feel nervous about conducting interviews quickly feel more relaxed and competent, as they follow this material’s many steps, including choosing questions, setting up the interview, practice, and subsequent evaluation and discussion.

SKU: 1050CA061 Category:


Social Skills: Interviewing Others

As I noted in Being a Good Conversationalist, I believe being genuinely interested in finding out about another person is key to being good at conversations. Toward that end, I often have my students interview staff members, high school seniors, and/or family members to work on several conversational skills, especially the ability to follow the interviewee’s statements with comments and follow-up questions. I teach my students that this ability serves two important functions: extending conversations and making their communicative partners feel truly listened to. Following are various forms to use for interviews, along with notes on therapeutic intervention.