
Social Skills: Kinesics Examples and Non Verbal Communication Worksheets PDFs

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Slide Kinesics SOCIAL SKILLS WORKSHEETS This activity is a great resource for teaching kinesics (the ability to accurately interpret non-verbal social cues) and applying that skill to conversations. KEEP READING
Kinesics nonverbal communication exercise-Social Emotional Learning Activity
Kinesics - non verbal communcation Lisa Flowers of Communication Acceleration Speech Language Therapy

Kinesics and Non-Verbal

This activity is a great resource for teaching kinesics (the ability to accurately interpret non-verbal social cues) and applying that skill to conversations. Many individuals with Asperger’s have difficulty assessing another person’s interest in them. They may approach someone at an inopportune time, or continue talking with someone beyond that person’s inclination to engage. Observation is essential to determining acceptance. Individuals on the autism spectrum do not naturally observe others’ facial expressions, body language, actions, or interactions nearly as often, as attentively, or as effectively as neurotypical individuals do. This social skills activity gives students real-life practice at observing signs of interest versus disinterest from others, helping them to determine whether or not to continue in conversations.

Related Social Emotional Learning Activities in PDF to Kinesics

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Entering Conversations

An outline of the steps necessary to enter a conversation already in progress, including body proximity, verbal strategies, and determination of acceptance


Students discuss provided tactless statements, learning to identify properties of offensiveness, bragging, inappropriateness, over-generalization, and prejudice

Speaking to Different Listeners Worksheets

Students learn to tailor information to specific listeners, in terms of both their listeners’ needs and what impressions they hope to give to their listeners

Perspective Taking Worksheets

Students are assigned the task of observing social interactions and speculating on the emotional effect of those interactions on the participants

Developing Empathy Activities

This comprehensive social skills product includes extensive discussion, an activity, homework, and therapeutic notes, all targeting the ability to regard others’ feelings

Writing A Complaint Letter

Another favorite! Both a writing and social skills task, this product improves the ability to regard one’s reader when choosing content and wording

Communication Skills Questionnaire

Students check which social skills they’d like to work on in the areas of conversation, practical skills, non-verbal, dating, and conflict

Sticky Social Scenes game

Recommended for adolescents and adults, this board game tasks players with considering and providing solutions to a wide array of awkward social situations

Elaboration in Conversations

This conversation skills handout clearly shows students how different answers to the same question can attain different ratings in terms of extending conversations

Polite Wording Worksheets

Students learn to regard others’ feelings and are tasked with incorporating given “softening” words and phrases into opinion statements and requests

social skills activities for high school students with autism
Coping skills worksheets

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