
Social Skills: Autism Screening Questionnaire

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Autism Screening Questionnaire

Welcome to Communication Acceleration. If you are looking for an autism screening questionnaire, then perhaps you might be interested in our Communication Skills Questionnaire PDF. Learn more about it below!
Autism Screening Questionnaire
This questionnaire lets students check which skills they’d like to work on in the following categories: Conversational Skills (examples: picking a good topic, maintaining and shifting eye contact), Practical Skills (examples: asking for help in a store, ordering in a restaurant), Non-Verbal (examples: reading facial expressions and body language, understanding others’ personal space), Dating (examples: asking someone out, choosing an activity), and Conflicts (examples: sticking up for oneself, handling misunderstandings). The questionnaire lets teachers, speech language pathologists, and therapists know which skills are important to individual students, and gives them insight into which skills their students or clients feel they need help with, at the same time increasing their students’ or clients’ self-awareness and providing them with information regarding possible skills on which to focus.

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